Key to Unlock Revelation (main characters — Holy Trinity vis-a-vis Evil Trinity)


The Holy Trinity and the Evil Trinity

The Lord God Almighty (R4.8, 11.17, 16.7, 21.22), who is the Father in Heaven, is the one who gave the Revelation of Jesus Christ to Jesus the Son, to show Jesus’ servants the things which must shortly take place (R1.1).

Jesus Christ (mentioned 7 times), the Son of the Living God, is the Lamb of God (mentioned 23 times) who was slain from the foundation of the world (R13.8)

The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God, is the one who took John the Apostle in the Spirit, in four (4) occasions (R1.1; R2.1; R17.2; and R21.10) — assisted by the Angel who was sent to testify of those things in the churches and the things which must take place shortly, that particular angel is also one of the seven (7) angels having the golden bowls of plagues of the Wrath of God (R1.1, R17.1, R21.9, R22.6, R22.16) — to reveal to John the Apostle a total of at least 56 visions in the Revelation.

The Dragon (R12.3, R13.2, R16.13, R20.2), aka the Old Serpent (R12.9, R20.2), the Devil (R2.10, 12.9, 20.2, 20.10), and the Satan (R2.9, 3.9, 12.9, 20.2, 20.7). He is the “counterfeit” of the Father.

The Beast from the Sea (7 Heads 10 Horns 10 Crowns, ref as Beast 7H10H10C) (R13.18, R16.13 is the “counterfeit” of Jesus Christ the Son of God.

The Beast from the Earth (2 Horns like a Lamb, ref as Beast 2HL) (R13.11), he is the “counterfeit” of the Holy Spirit.  He exercises all the authority of the first beast, ie. Beast 7H10H10C. And causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the Beast 7H10H10C.  Beast 2HL performs great signs — even makes fire come down from heaven on earth in the sight of men (R13.13).  And he causes al, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark (of the first beast, Beast 7H10H10C) on their right hand or their foreheads (R13.16). Beast 2HL spoke like a dragon, is also the False Prophet (R16.13).

In the next post, it will be about the Lamb’s Wife; the Woman with a Male Child; the Woman in scarlet and purple — the great harlot, the mystery Babylon; and Death and Hades.

Everything there is of God, the devil will offer the ‘similar’ things as counterfeits.  That has been the nature and character of the Devil, the great deceiver, the father of deception.


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