Law of Coexistence


‘Can light and darkness coexist?’  

‘Can a creature be in a state of ‘alive and dead ‘ simultaneously?’

Can one set of laws governing all that are ‘good; and another another set of laws governing all that are evil coexist?’

‘Can the reality of ‘strict causality’ (or absolute certainty) and another reality of ‘probabilities’ (or all leave it to chance) coexist?’

These have been the series of questions that led to my recent study and discovery of the ‘LAW of COEXISTENCE’ (La-COEX).

In their attempts to understand the reality of universe, great physicists such as Isaac Newton and Einstein had eventually came to formed their beliefs based on ‘absolute certainties’ and laws that were foundational to the world of physics.  For Einstein particularly, he was and had always had been driven by a quest for certainty and deterministic laws that in his belief, governing the behaviour of universe and all that is in it. In fact, he had wanted to call his theory of relativity a theory of “invariance” because the physical laws of combined spacetime were indeed invariant rather than relative. (Einstein, Walter Isaacson, pg. 279)

However, in the subatomic quantum realm certainty and strict causality did not exist.  There were no deterministic laws, rather, only probabilities and chance. Despite it was and it is empirically and logically proven in Einstein’s days and today, Einstein did not accept the reality of such reality of quantum mechanics.    Einstein’s concept of reality (realism) had three components: (1) that a reality exists independent of our ability to observe it; (2) that objects (atom and particles and planets and stars included, are located at certain points in spacetime and this locality and separability are what define them; and (3) his belief in strict causality.   The idea that ‘probabilities’ play a role in reality as it is in the case of quantum realm, “that we must accept the view that events on nature are analogous to a game of chance, (he) cannot believe.” (Einstein, Walter Isaacson, p.g. 461). That led to him raise a famous question: “Does God play dice?”

Those were among the background of my recent readings and ‘pondering’ and, by the grace of God, my understanding and realisation of the “Law of Coexistence” in this Oct 2021.  And I am most happy to share it here, with a hope that it will be a blessing to many intellectuals, scientists, Christians and non-Christians fellow friends and human being; and that it would be of help to clear up confusions of why our world are so filled with such massive amounts of contradictions, conflicts, adversities, good and evil, uncertainties/chaos as well as wars/disruptions and inasmuch as certainty/order/ and laws.

Law of Co-Existance_David_Oct 2021.pptx


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