Next 27 Years [2016 Nov to 2043 Oct]


2016.11.01 (Prayer Mountain, South Korea)

Next 27 Years (2016 Nov to 2043 Oct)

Greetings in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!

I like to share with you the subject NEXT 27 Years, which was one of the things I was seeking the Lord for from 30th to 31st Oct on the Prayer Mountain.

I shall try to keep it to the point (not too long, I hope).

I lived my 1st 27 years in Malaysia (1962-1989).

The 2nd 27 years in Singapore (1989-2016).

And I was seeking the Lord to show me, so that I can be better prepared, and live to the fullest, in my 3rd 27 years (2016-2043).

Never did I expect the way the Lord would show me in exact number of years TWENTY SEVEN (27) in the Bible! Yes, His way is higher than our ways, His thought higher than our thought (Isaiah 55: 9).

I was led in my heart, to read in details, the life of Jacob all over again, when I was on the Prayer Mountain (3D2N).

So I read from Gen 25 onward to Gen 50. I observed several milestones of Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph (as I noted down in paper, see Attached). Gen 35 ended with the life of Isaac; He rested at age of 180. Gen 36 put on record the genealogy of Esau, twin brother of Jacob. Gen 37 onwards, to Gen 50, recorded the life of Jacob living in the absence of Isaac.

As Isaac was 60 year-old when Jacob was born. It is a fact that Jacob was 120 when Isaac passed away.  Gen 47:28 reveals that Jacob lived to 147 years and he passed away. My heart was overjoyed when I realised, after Isaac passed away, Jacob lived another 27 years (147-120)!

This is significant, because the number 120 is the number of the Holy Spirit, as many theologians and pastors have taught.  It is a transition, ending of the flesh, beginning of the Holy Spirit (Gen 6:3, Acts 1:15).

I see the passing of Isaac (a shadow of Jesus Christ the Son of God), was the beginning of Jacob living in the POWER of the Holy Spirit, and it happened when he was 120 year-old.

He lived the next 27 years till he was 147 (Gen 47:28).

God so graciously led me to see Jacob’s life in his last 27 years; as well as Joseph’s life, in that 27 years (and the ensuing 53 years that followed, until Joseph died at age 110, Gen 50:26) in clearer perspective.  I see that Jacob was 90 year-old (Isaac was 150) when Joseph was born.  And Joseph was 17 (and Jacob was 107 of age) when he was sold to the Egyptians by his own brothers. Joseph was 30 (Jacob was 120 year-old) when he was appointed the Governor/Ruler (Prime Minister) of whole Egypt by Pharaoh.  It was the same year when Isaac passed away, and Jacob was 120!

[Note: It is consistent in the way God intervenes in human history: God sent His Son (Isaac) for a time, then the Helper Holy Spirit (Jacob) after the Son (Isaac) was taken away.]

As the dream of Pharaoh came to pass, i.e. Joseph lived 7 good years as the Ruler of Egypt, and he was 39 (Jacob was 129 year-old) into 40 year-old when the world then headed into the 2nd year of severe famine.  By the time he asked for Jacob and his brothers to come to Egypt (when he was 40), and when Jacob was invited to meet with Pharaoh, Jacob was 130 year-old (Gen 47:9).  From thereon, Jacob lived in Egypt till his last day, aged 147.

Of the 27 years, 10 years Jacob lived in Canaan (120 to 130), and 17 years in Egypt (130 to 147).

It is interesting to see Gods faithfulness and power of restoration here. Jacob had the first 17 years and the last 17 years of life with Joseph.

Although Jacob lost and missed Joseph for 23 years (130-107), God let Jacob have his first 17 years and restored the last 17 years of his life to be with Joseph.  Total 34 years spent together with Joseph. God is always faithful. And He always restores to us what was lost.

As it is written, “that which is has already been, and what is to be has already been” (Eccl 3:15); and that “whatever God does, it shall be forever. Nothing can be added to it; and nothing taken from it. God does it, that men should fear before Him.” (Eccl 3:14); and “God requires aa account of what is past.”(Eccl 3:15).

I believe with all my heart, the Words in Gen 37 to Gen 50, are going to happen and unfold before us, from 2016 Nov to 2043 Nov, for the World we live in, and for me.

That means the world will have 7 good years from 2016 Nov to 2023 Oct.

The world will enter into a very severe famine the 7 years after, from 2023 Nov to 2030 Oct.

As the Bible did not give details of what happen after the 7 years of famine, but we learnt from Gen 47 to Gen 50 that, for the next 17 years of Jacob in Egypt, during the last 3-4 years of famine elsewhere (when Joseph was 40 to 44) and 13-14 years after the 7-year famine ended, altogether 17 years, those were the years of Restoration to Jacob, Acquisition for Joseph and his brothers, and Blessings for Israel.

To put it in ‘power-point’, the next 27 years will be life empowered by the Holy Spirit, more than ever before.

God will do to us, to His people, as He did in Gen 37 to Gen 50, as He did to Joseph’s life, IF we can set our heart and our love on Him, IF we can abide and dwell in the secret place of the Most High and known His Name (Psalm 91:1-14) like Joseph did. The ‘power-points’ are as follows:

  • Visions and Dreams to His people (Gen 37)
  • Breakthrough to His people (Gen 38)
  • Anointing for Success — whatever I do, the Lord will make it prosper (Gen 39)
  • Anointing to high Position (Gen 41)
  • Divine PURPOSE (Gen 45, for Joseph, the DIVINE purpose was to PRESERVE a posterity of Abraham’s seeds on earth, and a great deliverance of God’s people)
  • Restoration of that which was lost (Gen 46/47)
  • Blessings and Abundance (Gen 48-50)

All that will happen, while the World will go through 7 good years and 7 very bad years, henceforth.



Praise the Lord for His grace and mercy and goodness daily!

Today, a glimpse of further understanding came:

As widely taught, Jacob is a shadow of the Holy Spirit. Joseph in Gen 37 to Gen 50 present before us, a fruitful and powerful life lived alongside the Holy Spirit – represented by Jacob his father.

For it is not by might, not by power, but by the Holy Spirit (Zech 4:6), through the Holy Spirit came the Dreams & Visions, the Breakthrough, the Anointing for Success and Position, the revelation of Divine Purpose, the Restoration, the Abundance and Blessings.

Joseph, at the peak of his position, at age 40, asked for his father Jacob (aged 130), representation of the Holy Spirit. All the more, each of us, need to ask for the Holy Spirit to come alongside us, daily, now, more than ever before.


Come, Let us DAILY,

be led forth by the Holy Spirit (Rom 8:14), worship and serving the Lord with gladness with all our heart.

In Christ Jesus,

David Liu


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