03 Nov 2022, Th

I have it written in 1-page, my testimony, that it will help me able to share it in 30s, or 1min, 3min, or 5min or longer.

Depends on how much time, and how much you desire to hear and see the Love, the Mercy, the Hand of God have worked and walked me through these past 10 years; past 369 days; past 7+1, 8 weeks of faith-journey in the Lord Jesus Christ.

[The attached PDF file refers]

After all is heard/said and done, WHY God did it for me?

(1) because He is love. He loves me. He loves us. (Deu 7:8, 1John 4:8)

(2) because for His Name;s sake, His integrity. (Ps 23:3, Ps 106:8, 1Sam 12:22; Lk 15:1-7, 8-10; Exodus 32:11-14), and

(3) for His glory.

Is 48:1, 9-11 – Israle refined for God’s glory.

1Pet 4:11 & 14-16– that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.

And God the Father will do the same for you, as long as you BELIEVE and TRUST HIM and HIS “Rhema” Words & Promises for you specifically and individually:

Believing Ps 138:8 ,

He will fulfill His purpose for you; perfect that which concerns you; and

Praying and speaking/singing Praises Ps 52:8-9,

“I trust in the Mercy of God forever and ever.

I will praise You forever, because You have done it;

and in the presence of Your saints

I will wait on Your Name.

For it is good.” Amen


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