Key to Unlock Revelation (main characters — the Two Witnesses)


The Two Witnesses (R11.3-14)

The two Witnesses was given the power during the Great Tribulation for 1260+3.5 days, total 1,263.5 days.  And their days of power ended at the end of Woe #2, the end of the Sixth (6th) Trumpet (T6) (R11.14).  Working backward from end of Woe #2 mathematically, their 1,263.5 days would begin at the last 1/3 of the Third Trumpet (i.e. 108.5 days of T3), through the Forth Trumpet (T4) (315 days), and Woe #1 which is the Fifth Trumpet (T5, 420 days) AND Woe #2 which is the Sixth Trumpet (T6).  Total 1263.5 days.

These are the two (2) Olive Trees, which are also the two (2) Lampstands standing before the God of the Earth; these are the two (2) anointed ones who stand beside the Lord of the whole Earth (Zechariah 4.14).

They were killed by Abaddon (Feb)/Apollyon (Gk) the Beast from the bottomless pit who were released when the Firth Trumpet (T5) was sounded, and the four (4) angels which were bound in Euphrates River released when the Sixth Trumpet (T6) was sounded. They died and their dead bodies were left on the street in the great city for 3.5 day.

After 3.5 days, at the end of 1263.5 days, the breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet.  A loud voice from heaven would summon them, “Come up here.”  In that same hour there will be a great earthquake; 7,000 people will be killed.  And the two (2) witnesses will be resurrected.  The second woe, Woe #2 would then past.

The third woe, Woe #3 would soon take place quickly, immediately after these two (2) witnesses were resurrected.


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