Albert Einstein_A Synopsis_David Liu_Apr_May 2020
27 Apr 2020 (Mon) to 27 May (Wed), David Liu
After reading (April 2020) of the biography ‘Einstein, His Life and Universe’ (Genius) by Walter Isaacson (Simon & Schuster @2007, paper edition April 2017)
My attempt to put into a description of the Universe, based on the reading and understanding of his ‘general relativity theory’ (Einstein would have called it ‘Invariant Theory’ if not for going along with Max Planck (1858 – 1947), his contemporary in the Prussian Academy):-
“An invarint perpetual ‘cosmic dance’ within (and upon) a curvature of spacetime fabric,
in and on which gravitational fields exist, and all things (light, radiation, stars, blackholes, matters) are covariants – a system of covariance* within the invariant universe – are subjects of its graitational pull;
and time would be dilated to zero (stand still), (where all things could/would exist ‘as light’ and move in speed of light even, in a state of eternity).
A sharply curved 4D structure, a close system, finite, growing and expanding, but with no boundaries.**
“In it, the force that move electrons in the eclipses about the nuclei of atoms, is the same force that moves our Earth in its annual course around the Sun (page 342).”
“The Curve spacetime tells Matter how to move; Matter tell spacetime how to curve.” (~ John Wheeler)
“A cosmic tango of spacetime, energy and matter.” (~ Brian Greence)
**[天衣无逢] Heaven liken as VEIL as garment; ‘the sky receded as a scroll’ in Revelation 6:14 & 16:20 in the Bible.
* Covariant, meaning that all forms of accelerated and nonuniform motion are relative (213). Truly covariant, a theory that incorporated all forms of motion, whetehr it be inertial, accelerated, rotational, or arbitrary. (220)