Key to Unlock Revelation — Continue


On 31 May 2020, I shared the “Key to unlock Revelation — Prelude”

Today, 10 July 2029, Friday, a public holiday for Singapore polling day, I am sharing/uploading three (3) and maybe four (4) background study of the Revelation.

In the ensuing days, I will unpack these Revelation background study in greater details. The background study are:

  1. the Main Characters
  2. the Main Events
  3. the Visions

Preceded by prayers in solitude through the Covid-19 pandemic lock-down period, the comprehensive reading and study of the main characters, the main events and the visions, led to the understanding of who, what, where, when, and how the multiple layers and series of events are “brought about, hinged, overlaid, timed and numbered, and paused and sequenced” together.

The understanding I have sought and enquired before the Lord in prayers, enabled me to put the vast contents of Revelation into one-page (A3) — a Grand Schedule of Revelation (GSR), I would call it for easy referencing and comprehension.

The GSR is also posted today for ‘digital storage’ purposes.  In the coming days, as and when I have the time permitted, I will explain the GSR in greater details.  in the meantime, you may like to go see and find the “You are here” in the GSR, to know where we are in the context of the Revelation and the time we are in today.

Before I come back to unpack the Revelation in my next post, just to recap the key to unlock Revelation

the key was in the “Seven (7) Trumpets within the 7th Seal;  Seven (7) Bowls within the 7th Trumpet; Seal-6 (S6) reveals the scenes at the end of the Great Day of the Lord; Seal-7 (S7) unveils the progressions of events — T1 to T7 & B1 to B7;  S6 is Done* as S7 is Done* — concurrently — at the end of the sounding of T7 (the Last Trumpet) and the outpouring of B7 (the final wrath of God).”  “It is DONE.” *Rev 16:17-20, Rev 6:14

And the second key, which you will see in the GSR, is the understanding of the Sixth Seal (6th Seal) — the Wrath of the Lamb; the Great Day of the Lord; the Wrath of God (R6.12-17) that was unveiled to John the Apostle, is

a vision preceding a vision,

a preview of the Seventh Seal (7th Seal) and the Seven Bowls (B1 to B7)

(see the ‘blue’ row and column highlighted in the GSR)

Rev_Main Characters_17 July 2020_DavidLiu

Rev_Main Events_17 July 2020_DavidLiu

Rev_Visions_17 July 2020_DavidLiu


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