Key to Unlock Revelation (main characters — the 60 Angels)


The Sixty (60) Angels in Revelation

Specifically, there are sixty (60) angels mentioned in Revelation.  Fifty five (55) were angels of the Lord; and five (5) were angels for the Beast and the Devil.

Each of these sixty (60) angels were given their specific task(s) and roles; and message(s) and power and authority to act as God had had assigned them.  These are angels specifically mentioned, apart from the four (4) living creatures and the twenty four (24) elders (for some theologians had taught and considered the four and twenty four are also angels).

The attachment comprises the full list of the sixty (60) angels.

In the coming days, i shall selectively highlight roles and tasks of selective few of these angels — those who are lesser known, perhaps, and/or those which have been misconstrued by/among many readers of Revelation.

Rev_Main Characters_Angels_DavidLiu


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